Granulator Knives

We supply granulator knives for most common brands used in the North America. We can also custom manufacture to your specification. If you are processing or grinding plastic, textiles, metal or wood, call us today and let us help you maximize your equipment’s capabilities with longer running cycles and reduced downtime.
Call 800.656.7766 to speak with one of our granulating experts who can help you identify the best product for your application. Jorson & Carlson offers a most extensive line of granulating knives for top OEMs including:
Ball & Jewell | Falzoni | Horia | Previero | USI |
Ball & Jewell | Genox | Hydreclaim | Process Control | Tria |
C.M.G. | Gloucester | MPG | Rapid | Triple S Dynamics |
Conair | Granutec | Nelmor | Rubber Recycling | Vecoplan® Equipment |
Cumberland | Guidetti | Pagani | Sam Chin | Whittman |
Econogrind | Herbold | PHT | SEM | Wortex |
Eldan | Horia | Polymer | Shini | Young Machine |